This drama tells the story of the conflict of World War I as it unfolds, through the eyes of two ordinary young men. `The Passing Bells' follows wide-eyed Thomas and stubborn Michael over the course of five years as they grow up, lose friends and find love all amidst the horror of the battle. Before the war, Thomas is a small-town 17-year-old who secretly signs up for the military as an act of rebellion against his parents. The conflict, however, takes its toll on him through the years and he needs to muster up all of his courage to get himself through it and return to his loved ones back home. Michael, the son of a farmer, dreams of adventure, heroism and impressing girlfriend Katie, who he wants to marry. During the battle, he struggles to cope with the losses he endures and shuts out everything around him to focus on getting back to Katie and the life that he left when he entered the war. On the homefront, the guys' families anxiously await word from the front lines.